Mississauga Chapter

Proposal to modify the Mississauga Chapter By-laws

Fellow PEO Mississauga chapter members,

As it was directed by the chapter membership at the AGM meeting in February 2018, We have prepared a revised version of the chapter by-law for all members to review and ratify.

Chapter executive board created a by-law revision sub-committee that worked throughout the summer to prepare a list of by-law modifications.

Below is a link to a red-line copy of the Mississauga Chapter by-laws:


Here is a short list of five corrections that sub-committee came up with:

Please read carefully, as we will discuss these by-law changes at the AGM-2019 meeting that is scheduled in February.

1.) Ensure Mississauga boundaries residence (for nominators, nominee, and general chapter members)

2.) Clarify that immediate past chair is an officer ex-officio and he does not require to be elected, granted he/she is in good standing w PEO. Clarify that ex-officio is being cleared on at the first board meeting after the AGM, when a change in chair position is declared.

3.) Clarify the voting process on the chapter executive board
-No proxy votes are allowed
-Electronic vote is allowed only if in-person meeting of the board is not possible
-Board election would allow appointment of scrutineers to oversee voting process

4.) Clarify officer ex-officio purpose and voting right
The purpose of this position is to ensure transfer of power, provide mentoring to the new chair and tap into past-chair experience
Past Chair will have a right to vote at the executive board meetings

5.) Overturning Motion (motion that cancels or reverse already past motion)
Such motion must have a super majority to pass (two thirds of the present board members)

Please see an actual revised version of the chapter by-laws on our chapter website here.

Text in red colour is text that we propose should be removed from the by-laws and text in green is new information that we propose be added to the by-law.

The chapter board members voted in favor of a motion to bring this newest draft to the membership for approval at our upcoming AGM in February 2019. This motion was carried at the executive board meeting in November 2018.

Chapter by-laws currently indicate that members must have a sufficient amount of time to review the by-laws before the AGM.

Note that chapter membership present at the next AGM will discuss and take a vote to ratify this revised by-law.

Please write to me directly if you have any comments or concerns at art.kirnichansky@peo-mc.ca

Artemy Kirnichansky, P.Eng.
By-Law revision sub-committee chair