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Pushing the Limits: Launch Canada and Student Rocket Science
May 11, 2021 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
$5.00This event is an overview of the current student rocketry (senior university level) activities that launch Canada a grass routes organization organizing annual rocket competitions. The PEO Mississauga Rocket contest is geared for high school students which will be conducted in the near future starting with design and presentations. This talk is geared towards high school to university level students, and their parents(most members). All of them can get involved in either of the contests-the PEO Mississauga Rocketry contest and the Launch Canada competition. This talk is a precursor to the PEO Mississauga high school rocketry contest. This year it will be virtual (details to follow) and hoping next year we can actually blast some rockets in a safe manner.
From the very beginning, space has had an amazing ability to inspire us to push the limits of engineering and accomplish amazing things to increase our knowledge of our planet and the universe around us and to make life better here on Earth. Canada has been an important spacefaring nation since the early 1960s. But to get to space in the first place, it all starts with rockets, and rocketry has not historically been one of Canada’s areas of focus.
That is all beginning to change, and a lot of that change is being driven by hundreds of passionate, talented university students and enthusiasts all across the country. Inspired by what they see happening in the space industry internationally at visionary companies like SpaceX, they are taking matters into their own hands, developing cutting-edge rocket technology, winning major international competitions, and building a Canadian grassroots rocketry movement – and an entirely new industry.
Launch Canada is working hard to unite and support this fast-growing community and help make sure that Canadians – whoever and wherever they may be – have access to the resources, learning opportunities, and support they need to be safe and successful as they build new space capabilities for Canada.
In this talk, Launch Canada’s president, Adam Trumpour, will explore this remarkable new phenomenon, and how you too can become a rocket scientist.