Mississauga Chapter

The Role of the PEO in the Climate Crisis Issue

The Climate Crisis is the key issue of our time and for future generations. Engineers are regarded as innovators and protectors of the public interest including the Environment. What should the role of engineering professionals be in dealing with the climate crisis issue? The Role of the PEO in the Climate Crisis Issue event was held on April 26, 2021, to explore one aspect of that question, namely, what should/can be the role of the PEO in the Climate Crisis Issue.

The speaker for this meeting is particularly well suited to explore this issue. David Lapp is a Professional Engineer with a career of nearly 20 years in consulting engineering. David joined Engineers Canada as Director of Professional Affairs in 1997. For the next 23 years, he assumed a variety of roles at Engineers Canada in international affairs, engineering qualifications, and practice-related guidelines on infrastructure and climate change, environmental engineering, and sustainability issues related to engineering practice.

The event’s slides can be found HERE. And the recordings of the session could be found  HERE.