Mississauga Chapter

Bridge Building Challenge 2019

Tomken Road Middle School, North Building 3200 Tomken Road, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

The annual Bridge Building Challenge organized by the Mississauga Chapter of Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) will be held on Saturday, March 23rd 2019. Encourage your kids to join the challenge to develop their design, construction, and creative skills. This event is our opportunity as engineers to get kids interested in the profession. This challenge is…


Women in Technology & Leadership

IMAX Corporate Headquarters 2525 Speakman Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

IMAX will be hosting an event celebrating the achievements of Women in Engineering & Leadership with Keynote and Motivational Speaker, Kate Davis followed by a panel of speakers discussing gender balance in the workplace and how these leaders have shaped their success. We will also be showing Hubble in IMAX 3D following the panel discussions…


Meeting the Challenges of Energy Sector of the Future

Burnhamthorpe Community Centre 1500 Gulledin Drive, Mississauga, Mississauga, Canada

Meeting the Challenges of Energy Sector of the Future Cost: Free Topics: •Overview of the IESO •Impact of Rapid Pace of Technology Change •Embracing the Change Embracing the change would address the work the IESO has underway: Integration of Distributed Energy Resources and how we responding and changing to innovation in energy resources, the Market…


Cautious application of computational fluid dynamics in turbulence simulation

Huron Park (Meeting room Iroquois Room A+B) 830 Paisley Blvd. West, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

In response to strong feedback from last December's seminar on Hydroplant safety, Prof. Pejovic will give a two-hours' technical seminar on the ambiguity of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in the application of turbine modeling. Fluid Dynamics applies approximate solutions, therefore must be verified on plants by experienced professionals. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) includes problems from blood vessels…


Mississauga Chapter Picnic 2019

Huron Park 830 Paisley Blvd. West, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Join your fellow engineers and have fun with your family at the PEO Mississauga Chapter's Annual Picnic. Event will go rain or shine on the last weekend of summer 2019. There will be fun activities (i.e. volleyball, bouncy castle) available on Site. Registration and Networking at 10:30am BBQ Lunch will be served from 12:00pm to…


High School Students (Grade 10 to 12) Coding Contest

Meadowvale Community Church 2630 Inlake Court, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

The first-ever high school Coding Contest organized by the Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) Mississauga Chapter will be held on Saturday, October 5th, 2019. Please join us for a full day of coding fun and challenge your Python programming skills. The contest will consist of a 3-hour Python programming tutorial session in the morning, which will…

The Gender Physics Leadership Advantage

Mississauga Central Library, Noel Ryan auditorium 301 Burnhamthorpe Rd. W., Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

PEO Mississauga Chapter is very happy to invite CIM Distinguished Lecturer Betty-Ann Heggie to give a talk on Gender Physics. Unlock the Energy You Never Knew to Get the Results You Want. Gender Physics is a revolutionary practice designed to help business leaders capture the advantages of both gender attributes for maximum impact and success. Betty-Ann…

PEO – Mississauga Chapter Mathletics Challenge 2019

Meadowvale Community Church 2630 Inlake Court, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

The annual Mathletics Challenge organized by the Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) Mississauaga Chapter will be held on Saturday, November 23rd, 2019. It is a morning full of exciting math challenges and the chance to test your mathematics skills against fellow students from all over the city. The competition includes both individual and team-based rounds, with…

EIT! Clarifying the Path to becoming a P.Eng

If you are an EIT and want to learn about the steps to become a P.Eng, then this seminar is for you. About this Event The PEO-Mississauga Chapter LAP and EIT committee is pleased to announce our first EIT seminar for this year. This event is intended to guide you through the process to obtain…